How to install Node.js on Cpanel?

Popularity of Node.js is increasing widely as most of the websites and applications are developed using it. Due to its scalability, speed and open source platform, it is being used more in development.

So, when you use Node.js to develop websites or applications you can choose Node.js hosting plans in Nepal from hosting providers. And if you are running a small website, a shared hosting plan may be the best option to choose. Since shared hosting plans are cost effective as the same server is used for multiple websites.

Prabhu host is one of the best hosting providers for shared hosting plan giving a commitment for the regular support

Thus, if you are choosing a shared hosting cpanel for node.js then you should follow few processes to install node.js. Below is the detail step with screenshots for better understanding.

Steps to install Node.js on Shared Hosting Cpanel

  • Firstly, Login to Cpanel.
  • Scroll down to the Software section and click on the Setup Node.js App menu.

  • Below window opens and click the CREATE APPLICATION button.
    • Then a new window like below opens. You can see the Node.js version there and choose application mode as Development (for testing purpose) or Production mode (for live website). 
    • Add Application root as testing and in Application URL also write testing.
    • Name the Application startup file as testing.js

    *Node.js version – Pick the version you prefer from the drop down list.

    *Application mode – select either Development or Production. The development mode may be selected initially, then changed later to production.

    *Application root – where application files are located. The entry will be appended to /home/username to form the complete path to the application files in the cPanel home directory.

    *Application URL – the web address of the application.

    *Application startup file – this is the first file that’s processed by the application when it starts.

    • Then click the Create button and the application is created successfully.

    Now start NPM installation. 

    • Go to the file manager.
    • Find the folder testing and create a new file named packet.json within that folder.

  • Note: Package.json contains meta data and information about node.js. This file is needed to inform applications about the project.
    • Open the packet.json file and edit the below code and paste it and save it.


      “name”: “testing“, (replace testing with your file name)

    “version”: “1.0.0”,

    “description”: “Testing Node App“,(add description)

    “main”: “testing.js“, (rename it with your js filename)

    “author”: “”,

    “license”: “ISC”,

    “dependencies”: {

    “express”: “^4.17.1”



    • Again, go back to cpanel and scroll down to the setup node.js App menu.
    • There you will find the application you just created with all its details, its root directory, mode, started date and actions options (start, restart, edit and delete). You can see it in the below screenshots.
    • Now Install NPM package by clicking the edit option as shown in the above screenshot.
    • There you will find the option to RUN NPM Install. Sometimes the option may be disabled, so please wait for a few minutes.
      • Once it gets installed you can check if it works or not. You can click the open option which you can find beside the Application URL field box. Click on it and there you will see the text which was exactly written in testing.js.


      Like this you can easily install Node.js shared hosting plan on cpanel and make your websites or applications super fast and easy to use. Prabhu host provides you with the best offer for node.js shared hosting plan at a reasonable price. Check out our high performance node.js hosting features and pricing packages.